Pet health Therapy

Treatment Of Pets

So Simple — So Ingenious


There must be a reason for these symptoms?

What is the root cause of the illness?

Why are the symptoms there?

Why treat the symptoms and not the cause?

As a pet owner you should consider your pet’s body language as very important, as this is a way for your pet to communicate with you. The body language of an animal can tell a lot about how they are feeling. If changes in their body language are detected, then it may signal the development of problems to come. Better to nip it in the bud naturally then use the wait and see attitude. This is readily used by humans and never works, please not on imposed this on pets as well.

Success Story- Sharon Mitchell - (Natural Animal Therapist)

Tabby tiger – 14 years old desexed male cat.
Tabby tiger started to lose his fur around his belly, hind end legs and tail, he had redness in his hind legs and two visible large lumps that were bleeding and full of Pus on both sides above the kidney region.  The one on the left was larger than the one on the right side.

9 years ago, a paralysis tick bite him, since then he dribbles quite a lot, suffers with breathing problems, constantly tired no energy and the last 3 months during sleep purrs very loudly.
Having tried all avenues conventional and natural I was lost as to which way to turn to assist my very sick 14-year-old tabby tiger.

I heard about the success of Vincent’s Pet therapy treatments in which he uses a non-invasive test method to find out what’s happening and then clears any energetic blockages in the body and restores the body’s ability to heal naturally.

First Treatment  on 30/07/19

I took him to Vincent for treatment on the Bioresonace machine.  Treatment lasted around 1 hour.

The first thing I noticed after his first treatment was his eyes were greener and after 24 hours he wasn’t dribbling and breathing was normal, he ate well, however still slept a lot.

3rd day his lumps erupted, puss poured out of both sides but after 10 mins his lumps LHS was reduced by 90 % and RHS by 100%.  He also started to clean himself more than usual.

Second treatment on 10/09/19

2nd Treatment, tabby tiger was very calm when he got to Vincent’s practice, he walked around like it was home.  Sat on the mats with 2 flexible applicators over him (Photo)and was very calm and relaxed.   On the trip home he was in a very relaxed state.

He is now much more attentive, cuddly and so much more playful with more energy than I’ve seen in over a year, his RHS wound has healed 100% and his LHS has about 5% to go, his coat is growing back nicely and all redness from his hind legs has gone.

I am very happy and impressed by the Bioresonance treatment and Vincent’s knowledge, kindness and patience with my Tabby Tiger.

Vincent Mobile is 0407 229 302