8 Weekly Classes – Movements for strengthening the Whole Body

Facilitator Vincent Leo

Level 1 – Prepare for Change

Charge, Discharge, Flow and Movement

As Albert Szent-Gyorgyi pointed out, it takes CHI (energy) to move the machine of life. If you are your body and your body is you then it expresses who you are. Since your body expresses who you are it impresses us with how much you are in the world. A person’s attitude toward life or his personal style is reflected in the way he holds himself, his carriage, and in the way he moves. If a person is not mindful of his body, it is because he is afraid to perceive or sense his feelings. When feelings have a threatening quality, they are generally supressed. This is done by developing chronic muscular tensions that do not allow any flow of excitation or spontaneous movement to develop in the relevant areas.

Breathing plays an important role in the Essence of Chi, because only through breathing deeply and fully can one summon the energy (chi) for a more spirited and spiritual life.

As human beings, we have two distinctly different neuro-hormonal systems. One is designed to deal with emergencies such as fight or flight and involves the sympathetic nervous system and the pituitary-adrenal hormonal circuits. The other is designed to deal with the more pleasurable rhythms of daily life and involves primarily the para-sympathetic nervous system. These neuro-hormonal systems can be referred to, respectively, as neurophysiology of emergency and the neurophysiology of harmony. The accomplishment of the training that you will receive in the meditative and martial arts is precisely the ability to transcend and suppress the functioning of the sympathetic, pituitary-adrenal system and continue to operate with calm equanimity in the face of danger.

Have you ever wondered WHY it is so difficult …to CHANGE and WHY we keep repeating the same SCENARIO???

Would you like to know how to CHANGE this behaviour?

Level 1 is about preparing you – like painting a room or building a new house, Level 1 is functional, infinitely adaptable to all situations.

If you’re still not convinced, learn more about us at www.acnh.com.au/course


Venue: 119A Stanley Street, Rockhampton

Date: Commencing Tuesday 26th. Sept. ending 14th. November

When: Every Tuesday 630pm to 830pm

Who can Play: Anyone (including sporty, recreational, martial artist, golfers, etc.)- Prepared for Change and who wants to play to CHANGE:

What to bring: wear loose clothing; bring water, pillow, and favourite amulet,

Investment: $35 per lesson or paid in full $230

About the Facilitator: Vincent Leo

As a practicing bodyworker, naturopath (human and animal), martial artist and Bio-resonance therapist, I have had the pleasure of training thousands of students and assisted patients from all walks of life to understand what it means to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. It is my opinion that the fundamentals of life are to be FREE within one. That means to have awareness with everything. Not be influenced by beliefs. What it looks like to be FREE within depends on your perspective of LIFE DEATH LIVING and REALITY.

Join me for 8 weekly sessions; begin to know the operating systems between your ears and beyond.

Phone: Vincent 0407 229 302 to reserve a seat

Email: acnh@consultant.com

Web: www.acnh.com.au