“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein

What do we know?  The earth is round and has people living on it.  The borders and boundaries are artificially created. Maps of the world have different colours to represent borders; however up in the sky you don’t see them.  Borders are created to separate us from each other.  We are connected to this planet as a whole and for all the life on it. We fight over land and natural resources when it is not ours to have but only to share.  Nature moves from one continent to another via plane, wind or personal flight and have no view about what’s right or wrong or borders to cross.

It means even on the lower levels of life, there is a profound consciousness or awareness that bonds all things together.

How we see things is only a perspective and yet they are connected for example the half cup full versus the half cup empty. The separation of the cup is an illusion.  There are two qualities and yet is one. You can move several hundreds of kilometres away and still be connected. What would be ideal is if you are first connected to you.  Then you will avoid doing harm to you and your body. You will function as one rather than you and your body as a separate entity.

Plants are like us

In 1966 Cleve Backster an American expert on lie detectors, accidentally using a lie detector found that plants have a high-level emotional activities that were similar to those of human beings. He found that plants have ESP and they are experts at detecting lies.

Backster did an experiment in which he connected the lie detector to a plant and then asked a person some questions. As a result, Backster discovered that the plant could tell if the person was lying or not. He asked the person what year he was born in, giving him seven choices and instructing him to answer “no” to all of them, including the correct one. When the person answered “no” to the correct year, the plant reacted, and a peak was drawn on the graph paper

He also found plants can recognise people

In order to test how well a plant can, recognize things, Backster called on six students, blindfolded them, and asked them to draw lots from a hat. One of the choices had instructions to uproot one of the two plants in the room and destroy it by stomping on it. The “murderer” had to do the deed alone, and no one else was to know the culprit’s identity, including Backster. In that way, the remaining plant could not sense who the “killer” was from other people’s thoughts. The experiment was set up so that the plant would be the exclusive witness.

When the remaining live plant was connected to a lie detector, every student was asked to pass by it. The plant had no reactions to five students. But when the student who had committed the crime walked by, the electronic pen started drawing frantically. This reaction indicated to Backster that plants are able to remember and identify the person or thing that causes them harm.

Dr. Ken Hashimoto

Dr. Ken Hashimoto, a philosopher and successful electronics engineer, used Backsters research with family cactuses and found that they could ‘talk’.  Dr. Hashimoto is one of Japan’s best-selling authors – his Introduction to ESP is in its sixtieth printing and his Mystery of the Fourth Dimensional World is in its eightieth – answered of present-day physics.

Dr. Hashimoto believes there is a world beyond the present three-dimensional world defined by physics, that this three-dimensional world is merely a shadow of a fourth-dimensional, nonmaterial world. He further believes that this fourth-dimensional world controls the three-dimensional material world through what he calls “mind concentration” or what others call psychokinesis or mind-over-matter.

The Secret Life of Plants (1973) is a book by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird

The Mentawais and harmony with nature

In certain isolated cultures people are praising nature and living in harmony with it. The Mentawais in Sumatra in Indonesia live together with nature. They respect nature. When they need to cut down a tree they ask the tree for forgiveness. They touch the tree and “talk” to the tree before cutting it down. They live in together with nature and are very much in touch with the universal laws and the source of it all.

In our way of life, we seem to have forgotten all the beautiful living creations around us.  Plants, animals and humans are all beautiful creations but we, to our own detriment, unlike the Mentawis, have placed emphasis on different areas.  We are too busy rushing about our day to day lives, earning money and attempting to adhere to our hectic schedules and commitments.  We have forgotten to be a part of nature and the universe. We have forgotten who we are.
To talk about bio communication and plants responding to our thoughts seems farfetched in our current strategy of living.  It is important however, to realise that we have forgotten our ability to ‘read’ and respect nature.  Society places emphasis on security, money, status, wealth, career, the future, government and taxation rather than our interconnectedness and place in the world.

Only if we have a change do we change.  Maybe that’s what mother earth is telling us? The planet is changing to let us know we need to be more connected.  Let’s start first by being connected to our bodies instead of abusing ourselves.

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