It is an embedded part of our human nature to try to ‘fix’ certain areas of our lives that aren’t going the way we would like.  We spend a great deal of time in our lives attempting to ‘fix’ things according to held beliefs, rather than looking at a situation from an alternative angle so that we may be in allowance of it.

We like to be in control

The more control we try to exert over an undesirable situation, the more control you lose.  You have to let go of control totally to have control.  When you are able to let go of trying to ‘fix’ things, you will find you can see a situation holistically, understanding from a place of what it is rather than what you feel it should be.

How many times have you tried to ‘fix’ your life?

For example, think about your past relationships.  Often we are aware that a relationship is not working but attempt to mitigate the situation with mantras such as, “If I just fix this, if I just fix me, if I just fix the other person, then it will work”.

Unfortunately this is not how it works.  If you are trying to change the other person/s or you are trying to fit yourself by changing, you are attempting to ‘fix’ it, rather than come at it from a different angle.  With a ‘fix-it’ strategy, the relationship is over; it is only a matter of time.

Remove the stress by being true to you and say, “This is not working”, and then ask “What am I trying to control here?” and then let it go.

Living by force by trying to make things work that don’t ultimately suit you will not work.  Instead living you life from ‘What can I be and do that will contribute more to my life?’

By functioning from a place of being more you are constantly in a state of opening doors to greater awareness and greater possibility.

It’s a choice, and most important is to demand of yourself that you be brutally honest and ask: “Would I truly choose this?” if the answer is no, look for different possibilities.  Ask a lot of questions, look at what choices and possibilities you have, and look at what you can contribute.

When you do this, you remove yourself from trying to ‘fix’ or change the other person.  You then love everything the way it is.  You will not sit in judgment, only love and allowance of the other person. And what’s great is you can walk away before you find yourself five or ten years down the track with extra baggage.  Most of us think we are powerful enough to go against our awareness or we are not aware at all and so try to control it by ‘fixing’ it.

Always ask:

  • What can I contribute to my life today?
  • What can I contribute to my partner or relationship?
  • What can I contribute to others today?
  • What can I contribute to the earth today?

We always think we have to fix things, it’s about what you can contribute to make this a better place. Do you think nature tries to fix things?  It just contributes.

Ask yourself do you need to be fixed?  No, it’s about what I can contribute to my body that will allow greater health and communion.

Stress is living someone else’s life – Be true to yourself!

Stress is when you try to live someone else’s life and neglect how you would like your life to be.  Do you ever wake up sometimes and wonder why you are doing what you are doing?  Ignoring your own wants and needs and channeling someone else’s is damaging and stressful.

When you ask yourself that question it usually means you’re trying to live someone else’s life.  It could be the way your partner/s would like your life to be or your boss, your parents, family, or your friends.

When we replace the wants and desires of someone else in place of our own, it is difficult to know wade through our own needs.  We don’t know if we are coming or going because it is not your life you are carrying out, but through the lens of someone else.  As Dr. Phil says, ‘How’s that working for you Bob?”

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