Massage and Posture
The important thing to realise about postural problems is that over the years they can lessen your quality of life and, if ignored, are likely to worsen as you age.
If you have difficulties maintaining the right posture, either because of a physical limitation or because you had become so accustomed to slouching for most of your life, you can still correct it by undergoing massage therapy.

Good posture is about the whole body.  IF you have flat feet and knock knees, this will affect the pelvic position which in turn affects the low back position and then the mid back and so on ….. So, to correct your posture may involve changing a number of different components.

Body awareness is where is all starts.  Without it, we blindly go through our work not realising how our movements, responses, sensations and feelings affect our health.

You can improve your posture and spinal health by making a few lifestyle adjustments.

1, Listen to your Body

Make minor adjustments while standing and sitting.  Which position feels easiest and most graceful?

  1. Breathe

How many of you breathe deeply and evenly?
Here’s an easy breathing exercise to help your body relax:  Breathe in for four (4) seconds, hold your breathe for eight (8) seconds and breathe out for four (4) seconds.

  1. Tuning in to your body

Get into the habit of regularly tuning into your body

Benefits of improved Posture

  • Joints enjoy greater freedom
  • Increases energy level
  • Boost blood circulation
  • Enables you to breathe more easily
  • Muscles are loosened and relaxed
  • Pressure points are relieved
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