We have energy which comes from the food we eat, the thoughts we carry, the oxygen we breathe, and an energy flow that comes about because of our general health.  Energy blocks may occur if we hold onto tension or conflict.  For example if we are angry with something or fearful, we create disharmony within. The energy of anger and fear manifests in the muscles and tissues of our body.  This means harmony, peace, desire and love can’t get through.  It gets shut out.  If this continues our bodies begin to experience anxiety and depression.

Ever noticed that when we wake up in the morning, we begin our day with self-talk. (Lots of chitter chatter). We continually remind ourselves, how, what, when, where and why we should and shouldn’t do things.  And we give ourselves instructions on how to be successful, how to be a failure, how to greet someone and what to say.  We also reinforce our ideas about what sort of person we are, and what sort of success we deserve or don’t deserve.   If allowed, this can go on all day and every day.

We have through our lives events that are stored in our subconscious.  If we were a computer we would call it the operating system.  Our subconscious is like an operating system where it is fed data through what we see, hear, and feel.  What we align and agree or resist and react to is stored here.
Our subconscious consists of values, attitudes, and beliefs that we have.  And it also consists of the decisions, computation, compilation, judgments and memories that we have accumulated from our past experiences.

Our subconscious is quite astounding in that the programmes we have fed it begin to take over.   For example it can filter incoming information so that it “agrees with” what we know to be “true”.

The filters work by receiving, removing or accepting and deleting, distorting and generalising incoming information.

We delete information when we selectively pay attention to certain things and not to others.  We set it up to not even notice them.

An example of deletion is when we know ourselves to be bad communicators.  When we communicate specific information to someone, we notice only that we did not communicate clearly.  We do not notice any of the information we have correctly provided.   The fact that we pay attention only to the evidence that supports our belief that we are bad communicators reinforces our belief that we are bad communicators.

Beliefs are ideas about what is true or real.  They are also generalisations such as “cats are nicer than dogs” or “dogs are nicer than cats”.  Beliefs are things that create, generate or take away our creativity or control of things.  They are on / off switches to our ability to do anything in the world.  If you don’t believe you can do something, or if you do, then you are probably right.

The question is; are beliefs truths or not?

They are socially constructed.

Some of us may think we were born with “specialness” in a particular area.  Such as an artist, or musician, or good at sport, or dumb, shy, etc.
A study completed by Dr Benjamin Bloom of the University of Chicago is evidential of this.  His study included 100 extraordinary successful athletes, musicians and students and found that these young people didn’t begin by showing great flashes of brilliance.  Instead, most received careful attention, guidance and support and then they began to develop.  The belief that they could be special was an integral part of their success, and came before any sign of great talent. 

When you create in your mind the way you want things to be in the future, as if they are true now, you establish beliefs.

Beliefs are very powerful.  They develop as a result of what you have been told or what you have experienced.  You use this information to confirm who and what you are, to yourself, in your inner mind.  They build your image of yourself.  This becomes what you believe to be true about yourself.   THESE BELIEFS ARE NOT TRUTHS.  Yet your beliefs about yourself and the world around you provide you with a map of reality within which you operate.  They cause you to delete, distort, and generalise what you experience from then on.

If you like what is happening then your beliefs are useful ones to have.  If there are some things about your life you don’t like, your first priority is to change your beliefs.

For example, if you believe yourself to be inefficient, a time waster, unmotivated, not a good parent or provider for your family, unable to find a decent job, not good enough or lazy or unable to make money – that is what you will find in life as that is what you are inexplicably looking for in your experiences.  Your experiences that you search for will confirm your beliefs.  When anything happens which is the opposite to what you believe, you will interpret it to affirm these negative ideas.

The question is: Do you want to change? Then change the programmes that you have programmed by choosing what you would like to change.  You can choose this by choosing beliefs that serve you.  Beliefs deliver command to your nervous system.  When you believe something is true, you literally go into a state of it being true.

When you have that awareness that beliefs are a choice then you can choose to change what you don’t like.  It is that simple.
The question is: where does your personal belief come from?  Do they come from neighbours, radios, gurus, teachers, parents, and mates?  I can only say choose your beliefs wisely.

The main thing to remember is that everything begins with belief.

The Magic of Energy Medicine (MEM) Foundation workshop is designed to provide you with experiences that assist you to make the changes you would like to change in a simple, humorous and enjoyable way. If that is your belief then your beliefs will serve you, if not then you will delete and distort your experiences during these workshops.

If you would like to have more choices in your life then join in with our next MEM work shop with an open mind.

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