Knowing the future – 3 Dimensional Health, Heal and Movement Centra


Would you be willing to know the future? Having awareness, doesn’t necessary mean you have to do anything? Choice and choosing is just an interesting point of view or an opinion. If you have a fixed point of view then you are continually looking to see if the key fits the door, and it is usually in relationship to someone and not you.

When you’re too busy talking and doing means you’re unaware, then you will not know what is going on in your own home. Such as the relationship you’re in, the problems your children are hiding from you, problem at work, people you work play with. If you think your kids are perfect, then you will not look at what else, due to the conclusion you have come to. Having awareness is being in allowance that not all is what it seems. Living as the question is the beginning to knowing the future, having more choices is being more aware and more conscious that life is not about being normal that life is full of surprises and the more aware you are then the more ease you will have with your future. Begin each day by asking the question “what glorious adventure am I going to have today”, begins to shift you into the possibility that everything you ask for can become available. Knowing the future lets you know that because you have changed doesn’t mean others want to change, receiving them exactly where they choose to be is being in allowance of their future till then you have to wait till they ask you a question.
Would you be willing to live life more joyful and have the courage to change what is not? For you to change some of your habits, you have to have an awareness of what has been installed in your operating system.

How you operate
Have you ever bought a complicated new computer, electrical components, or building kit and found the instructions were written in a foreign language and you couldn’t read them? What did you do? You might fiddle with it for a while, and make it work as well as you can. But it is unlikely that you will ever get it to work to its full capabilities.
The people, who taught us all sort of things from the moment that we were born, didn’t have instructions either. You learnt by their trails and their errors. Is it any wonder that they sometimes made mistakes? Not only did you learn things that might not have been very useful, but what happened in those first few years of your life; the way people spoke to you and about you , the things you did, and the things you said to yourself and about yourself, became your “operating system”. Everything that has happened since has been affected by the “rules” that were set up in those first few years. These rules were buried deep in your subconscious. You didn’t even know that they existed. And today we continue to use the same operating systems. Don’t take away what you know just begin to build or add to what you already know and create a new operating system.

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