2 Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat with Horses and other species

Our two-day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat with Horses and other species includes a range of activities to help you recharge, reinvigorate your spirit and reconnect with your body, mind and soul.

Our two-day retreat has been carefully crafted to bring about potent habitual changes that harmonize, realign your body mind spirit. Explore a dynamic blend of practices that will melt you into a natural state of being.
You’ll be in the comfort of the Mountain View property, and we welcome you with open arms and we would love to share with you the lushness and tranquillity of our tropical Natural landscaped property.

The whole two days includes:

*Time to relax and regenerate
* Bioenergetic testing – Physical process of testing how your chi is flowing and what needs to change.

*Morning Gentle slow flow tai chi, kung fu and Meditation

*Instrumental Sound Vibration
* Equine-guided mindfulness meditation sessions and exercises
*Breath Work Session
*Breath work with drums and symbols – sound and frequency
* Full body red light healing
* Massages – By Heather McGaun (a small fee required)
* Option Horse riding, horse walking or (inexperienced) – Riding with a walker through the hills
* Mindful meditations with the horses
* Introduction to Animal Communication
* Introduction of entities
* Techniques for clearing animals and self of entities
* Emotional traps and how to move forward.

* And much more
* Fully Catered by Private Professional Chef Tanya for all dietary requirements. Let us know if you have special requests.

Learning how to trust yourself and communicate with animals, then be witness to how that impacts on both your personal life and your animal’s lives is beyond what I can put here in words.

This experience is to be felt with the heart. It’s profound. It goes deep and changes lives.

2 Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat with Horses
Dates: 6-7th July 2024

Bookings click 2 Day equine connection below info on Hangi

2 day equine connection


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi
Vincent Leo
As a practicing bodyworker, naturopath (human and animal), martial artist and Bio-resonance therapist, I have had the pleasure of training thousands of students and assisted patients from all walks of life to understand what it means to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. It is my opinion that the fundamentals of life are to be FREE within one. That means to have awareness with everything. Not be influenced by beliefs.
I have trained with Jacqueline Buckingham in Animal Communication level 1 and Level 2.
I have also trained with Anna Breytenbach (Black Leopard on You Tube) and Brad Laughlin.

Venue: 294 Hume Road Kabra – Central Queensland
Dates: July 6th & 7th
Time: Saturday 6th: 7am to late – and Sunday 3rd: 6.00 am to 5 pm
Investment: $595 or Early Bird by 20th June. $495
Bookings: Go to 2 Day equine connection above
Please contact Vincent on 0407 229 302 or email: vince@matilda.net.au
Accommodation Rooms / stable are available at the above address. Call Jason on 0400 914 798
Food: Provided …
What to bring: Loose clothing, runners; jeans, hat, boots, etc. Bring water, pillow, and favourite amulet. Bring all the smell goods that you put on yourself (perfumes, cologne, essence, shampoo, etc.), including the soap you use.
Join Jason, Sarah, Tanya, Vincent for 2 days
Phone: Vincent 0407 229 302 to reserve a seat or click here to Book Now
Email: acnh@consultant.com